We will be updating our home page each week with a blog about the previous camp! But you don’t have to just ready about it, see what camps are still available for your child here. Enroll your child here.
“This was the best week of my life!” “I don’t want to go home!” “This was my favorite camp ever!”

These were a few of the phrases heard this week at The Art Spark! Campers transformed into super secret agents this past week. Their goal was to mastermind a complex maze that would protect secret treasure from bad agents (Miss Emily and Miss Jacquelyn ) !

Agents created an incredible maze that had traps hidden though out to trip up the “bad agents”. There were spiders that hung from the ceiling, a bucket of bugs that when pulled would fall on the bad agents, tricky ice patches, robots, and revolving walls.

The agents created high-tech spy gear including spy goggles, spy watches, and walkie-talkies to help them catch the bad agents! Once the bad agents were caught on Friday, agents were allowed to pie the bad agents in the face with cool-whip pies and throw water balloons at them. They also got to keep the secret treasure which happened to be Smarties and Ring Pops! It was a blast to say the least!
We were blown away by the creativity and hard work these agents had to offer this week. They had many projects to take home with them, unfortunately they could only take home the memory of their amazing maze they built! Campers used shrinky-dinks, recyclable materials, foam, clay, oil pastels, etc. this past week. Campers had an incredible amount of fun this week, all while SPARKING ideas and problem solving! Thanks, agents!
-Miss Jacquelyn