Behavior Policy
We are so excited to have your child joining us for an after school Art Spark session!  Our students will learn all about art and creativity while at the same time grow to be more independent. We know this can be a lot for them and always strive to teach with patience and kindness.  We use a myriad of different art supplies with the children and as teachers we are sometimes handling hot glue guns, sharp scissors, box cutters, etc. We keep these away from the little ones, but if a student  refuses to listen they could get hurt. We try to maintain an extremely safe atmosphere and listening to the teacher is number one in promoting a secure environment. To help create this environment, we ask that you speak to your child(ren) before class to encourage good listening, respect of the teacher and materials, importance of being kind to others, and staying with the teacher at all times. If your camper seems to be experiencing behavior issues we will follow our 1,2,3 policy below:

Step 1: Take action within the class to change the behavior.
Step 2: If the behavior doesn’t positively change within the day, we will reach out to our student’s parent or guardian to address the issue. This might be in person after class, a text message, a phone call or an email. 
Step 3: If said behavior continues to persist after we’ve talked to parent/ guardian, we will unfortunately have the student stop class and refund the remaining time.

Immediate Removal
Please, note that The Art Spark WILL NOT tolerate aggressive behavior(i.e.hitting, kicking, biting, etc.) The purpose of this  is to protect the rights of our teachers and the rights of other children who sometimes become victims of an aggressive child. As a general rule, aggressive behavior does not include running, sitting still, keeping hands to self, etc. in which occasional time-outs/ talks may be used. We hope this policy does not affect anyone, but we must protect the teacher’s rights and the rights of children in our care.

Please, also note that The Art Spark WILL NOT tolerate volatile, loud and angry outbursts/ tantrums that can’t be contained in a timely matter. Unfortunately, we are not in a large enough space or have a large enough staff/ aides to help with these type of issues. If your child struggles with loud noises, transitions, group settings, etc. The Art Spark’s programs might not be right for them. If we see this happening we reserve the right to ask a parent/ guardian to immediately remove the child and you will receive a full refund. 
